Ozzy’s owner Michael rang me – very stressed out as his beautiful dog Ozzy was in the Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Ozzy had injured himself badly and his back legs were paralysed. He had injured major disks in his spine. The Vets advised Michael to put Ozzy to sleep. Michael was very distraught and wanted to try something else and that is why he contacted me. I said I would try my best to see if I could make a difference.
I did 3 Long distance Reiki sessions over the next 3 days. Michael rang me 4 days later to let me know the Vets said that Ozzy was starting to get feeling back in his legs.
So I did another 3 sessions and Michael rang to say that Ozzy had started to walk a little bit but quite wobbly.
He asked me to keep going with the sessions – Ozzy went home a week later.
After that I did 2 maintenance sessions a week for 2 weeks split into four 30m sessions so he could have half an hour each day. After that it went to 1 maintenance session a week and then once a fortnight and then once a month over the next year until Ozzy started to get some Arthritis.
So since then it has been on Long Distance Reiki session once a week. – this is 2 years after the original injury and Ozzy is still doing well.
Michael gave me permission to put this story about his beloved dog.
Michael James – Frankston Vic.