Blue Fire Reiki is dedicated to helping people and animals with an alternative therapy – Reiki healing treatments.
Amanda Faerie (Mandi) is the founder and business owner of Blue Fire Reiki. She is a qualified Reiki Master, Seichem Reiki, Chakra and Auric balancing, Spiritual Counselling, Shamanic Breath work – Sound Healer and Meditation teacher.
Also holding qualifications in:-
Conversational Hypnotherapy and Animal Reiki – Including Cert II in Animal Studies.
Mandi holds National Police Cert + DCSI Cert for working with Vulnerable People and Children.
Mandi has completed the SA Government COVID-19 online health training accreditation.
Mandi left a full time job of 6 years to pursue her dream of providing Reiki healing treatments for people and animals on a full-time basis. Straight after leaving her job; I enrolled in a Cert II Animal Studies at Veterinary Sciences Gilles Plains Tafe and started studying full-time in 2011. Even though she did not need this qualification for Animal Reiki (for which she have been practicing for many years) I wanted to learn more about animal nutrition, diseases, behaviour and restraint. While doing this study I realised that this really was the path I was meant to follow.
After graduating in January 2012 Mandi went straight into doing a Cert IV in Business Course and graduated in February 2012.
In 2013 she spent 12 months doing a shelter hand course at an animal shelter – included in this was spending time doing Canine Calming and TLC with many abused and traumatized dogs; and including work in dog boarding kennels.
Mandi also enjoys charity work for many of the small animal shelters around Adelaide and also donates her time to raise funds for the local Animal Rescue organisations.
In the last few years Mandi has taken part in many enrichment trainings to hone and add to her skills as a Shamanic Practitioner:- Including Shamanic Vision Journeying and Awakenings.
In 2019 she travelled to Canada and attended an amazing international Indigenous healing festival. She met many Shamans and Elders from different cultures around the world from Canada, US, Australia, Mexico and Hawaii.
Mandi also had the privilege of looking after a beautiful Black Foot Elder for the duration of the festival.
This experience taught Mandi many lessons and teachings for which she is forever grateful.
During the festival Mandi experienced many visions while listening to the constant hypnotic drumming and singing. As a result of all of this, she came back with many new healing and teaching tools to pass onto others.
This experience allowed Mandi to boost up my long-distance healing speciality by 500%.
Mandi is constantly updating her skills and knowledge which benefits the people and animals she treats.
This benefit is also carried over to the Shamanic Reiki Workshops that she teaches including Reiki I, Reiki II, Masters Reiki and Animal Reiki.
Mandi really taps into Sound Healing and Shamanic Breathwork as part of the sessions she conducts – it’s a really beautiful experience.