Sound Healing & Shamanic Breathwork
Sound Healing
Tibetan Singing bowls, Koshi Chimes and Shamanic drum healing
Tibetan Singing bowls
Amanda has a selection of 5 beautiful Tibetan Singing bowls each one attuned to different Elements and Chakra resonance.
When the bowls are placed on different Chakra points on the body they then vibrate energy through your body resonating with your Cells and DNA on a high cellular level activating deep healing energy within. This energy is ranging from a combination of deeper and higher finer vibrations.
The Koshi Healing Chimes (from the base of the Pyrenees Mountains)
Each chime is attuned to a different element eg- Water, Air, Earth and Fire.
They very much tap into the inner child self – going back to the innocent pure state of being healing old traumas.
Shamanic drumming - with a Vegan drum.
The hypnotic drumming taps into old ancient tribal energies connecting the body to mother earth’s rhythm and heartbeat.
Shamanic Breath work
Amanda channels energy through the Shamanic breath work tapping into Mother Earth and all the elements of the planet eg:- Crystals and Plant Medicines, Oceanic energy, Sun and Moon Codes.
This breath work is channelled into the recipient’s body where there is imbalance of energies, physical pain injuries.
Photography by Marjorie Rose
and Irene Heart Striving from Cleanse Your Lens