Mandi, from Blue Fire Reiki, will be holding guided meditations locally in Adelaide on Thursday evenings, from 7pm ACDT.
You can arrive from 6.30pm and have extra time with the cats.
These sessions will be weekly.
The sessions are $15 and each session will have a different guided meditation.
The meditation will start with some brief breathwork for grounding and then move into a beautiful guided meditation to balance and recharge your Aura/Chakras. Mandi will then take us on a guided meditation adventure. The meditation will finish with some sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls, Elven chimes and other lovely instruments. Following that, there will be herbal teas and fruit available along with oracle cards, giving a special message to those who choose them.
Please book with Sassy’s Cat Café and Adoption centre either by visiting their facebook page: or via email
Exciting days for Sassy's!
Not a cat person?
Mandi also holds meditations for dogs. Check out the post here!