I treated a lovely dog called Tex with Reiki a couple of years ago for cancer around his bottom, he also was receiving excellent treatment from a veterinary clinic at the time.
His cancer cleared up totally – more recently he developed what the owner initially thought was rheumatism, but this turned out to be a neurological problem where his brain signals were getting mixed up with his back legs – so he was unable to walk in the end.
He was receiving excellent care by a Vet/dog chiropractor but in the end due there wasn’t much more that could be done. I did a home visit treatment on him not expecting too much, but the owner said after i left he got off the couch, walked outside for a wee. She had previously had to carry him out. I was amazed he was able to walk.
Unfortunately though because of his advanced age and constant care sadly the owner and Veterinarian decided it was best to let him go. RIP Tex xx